Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri2024-05-292024-05-292017Ghouri, S. A. M. (2017). الشيخ حبيب الرحمن الأعظمي وعطاءه العلمي المميَّز في مجال الحديث النبوي من خلال تأليفِ الكتب فيه وتحقيقِ تراثه(Sheikh Habiburrahman Aazmi and His Distinguished Scholarly Contributions in Prophetic Tradition through his works). Journal Of Hadith Studies, 2(2). Habiburrahman Aazmi was one of greatest Hadith scholars of the century; he has contributed widely in prophetic Hadith authored a lot of valuable books, and verified many manuscripts relating to Hadith and its chain. He is a character worthily deserving of an introduction as well as the study of his academic implications in the Prophet's Hadith. This study deals with introducing this scholar and his contributions in this field. And this study deals with the above mentioned book and introducing the author as well as parts of his scholarly life in short.Hadith scholarsprophetic Hadithmanuscriptsresearchcontributions.الشيخ حبيب الرحمن الأعظمي وعطاءه العلمي المميَّز في مجال الحديث النبوي من خلال تأليفِ الكتب فيه وتحقيقِ تراثهSheikh Habiburrahman Aazmi and His Distinguished Scholarly Contributions in Prophetic Tradition through his worksArticle526622