Noornajihan Binti Ja'afarNur Atiqah Binti Abdul AzizMahyuddin HashimMuhammad Hafiz Saleh2024-05-282024-05-2820180128-309X Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly And Disabled, Vol. 4, (June) 2018 ISSN 0128-309XThe position of those who memorise the Qur‟an is special in the sight of Allah. Undoubtedly, some of the less fortunate ones, especially those who are unable to see, are left behind in seizing the advantages and blessings promised by Allah for Qur'an memorisation. It is a logical assumption that the absence of visual experience, in congenitally and totally blind individuals, produces severe cognitive consequences and, in particular, the inability to produce visuo-spatial mental images.However, received empirical support Tomaso Vecchi, (2004) demonstrated that blind individuals may have representations, which are functionally equivalent to the visuo-spatial mental images of sighted individuals. Hence, this paper will identify some scholars who memorised the Qur'an even though their vision is limited. In addition, this study will also briefly provide their biography and academic contribution. This study adopted a qualitative approach using the analytical method by studying some of the relevant documents. This study found that there are successful scholars among those who have visual impairment that able to memorise the entire Qur‟an. Furthermore, they have different areas of expertise and their knowledge and wisdom have become a source of reference until today. Among them are Imam as Syatibi an expert in qiraat; Syeikh „Abd al-Hamid Kishk who earned excellent results in every level of study; Syeikh Dr Fadhl Hassan an expert in the field of the Tafseer Qur‟an; and Syeikh Muhammad Rif'at who specialises in the field of tarannum. The difference in effort is not a barrier to individual excellence. The greatness of the Qur'an as the greatest miracle proves that even without the eyesight, there are many groups of al-Huffaz and alQurra 'among the visually impaired. This shows that the issues and problems of al-Qur‟an proficiency among the people with visual impairment can be enhanced especially in Malaysia by identifying the best methodology for their level and ability. The researcher also hopes that it will provide encouragement and inspiration to the Qur'anic memorisers who have limitations in the use of the senses in particular as well as the Quranic memoriser who have sensual perfection in general.en-USScholar, entMemorisers Al-Qur'an,Visually ImpairmThe Memorisers Of The Al Qur'an Among Visual Impairment Scholars.Article1051114