Browsing by Author "Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri"
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Publication Al - Muhddith Shaikh Abdul Haqqh Al- Dehlawi & His Contribution In The Field Of Hadis.(Hadis Research Institute (INHAD), KUIS, 2012)Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Al-Ameer Siddiq Hasan Khan Al -qinnugi & His Contribution In The Field Of Hadis(Hadis Research Institute (INHAD). Selangor Interna, 2012)Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Classical And Modern Books Authored On Tadlīs (misrepresentation By The Narrators Of Hadith) And Its People: Inductive And Descriptive Study(Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Karachi, 2021)Syed Abdul Majid GhouriTadlīs is considered as one of the important topics in the sciences of Ḥadīth (ꜤUlūm al- Ḥadīth) wherein it is determined whether Ḥadīth is Ṣaḥīḥ or ḌaꜤīf. It refers to an act of concealment committed by a narrator to hide a defect in sanad (line of narrators) and enhance its apparent view. Tadlīs was defined by the scholars of Ḥadīth, including the earlier ones and the recent ones, in their Ḥadīth studies and even explained its types and applicable ruling to each type. Some of the scholars even dedicated few books about the names of the narrators who committed Tadlīs with their short biographies. Considering the importance of the topic of Tadlīs in the studies of Ḥadīth and the need of the researchers to know what has been authored in this field and to know about those people were subject of discussion in those books, the researcher aims to conduct an inductive and descriptive study by covering all those books, whether they are in print form, manuscript or lost, with an explanation about the features of each of them. The researcher arrived at important conclusions which can be summarized as: the stalwarts of Ḥadīth have given special care to the topic of Tadlīs in their books related to Ḥadīth sciences. Some of the scholars even dedicated their books to the names and short biographies of those narrators who were suspected of committing Tadlīs. Some of these discussions were very concise and some of the books, especially the contemporary, were expanded and detailed. Writings of the earlier scholars are available in the print form, some of them are still in the manuscript, and some of them were lost. Knowledge of these books will assist the researchers in the field of Ḥadīth to expand in the field via research and study. Further, these books will provide them with a lot of information and benefits which are not available in some of the other common books. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication An Inductive Study Of Indian Muslim Scholars And Their Attitudes Towards The Anti-hadis.(Hadis Research Institute (INHAD), KUIS, 2015)Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Khawas Surah Al-Fatihah: Kajian Analisa Hadis Sahih Dan Maudu’ Berkaitan Dengannya(Penerbit USIM, 2023) ;Zulhilmi Mohamed NorSyed Abdul Majid GhouriSurah al-Fatihah adalah surah yg teragung dalam al-Quran. Kelebihan yg dimilikinya menyebabkan surah ini menjadi pembuka bagi al-Quran dan rukun daripada rukun solat yg mana tidak sah solat tanpanya. Kelebihan surah ini disebut di dalam banyak hadis Nabi SAW. Surah ini juga mempunyai pelbagai keistemewaan atau khawas tersendiri yg menunjukkan keutamaannya seperti dapat memperoleh kebaikan dengan membacanya, menolak kemudaratan, rawatan penyembuhan bagi pesakit atau sebagai pembuka hidayah kepada seseorang dan dibaca utk memohon sebarang hajat. Kajian ini adalah berbentuk kajian analisa hadis, keistimewaan surah ini akan dikupas melalui hadis-hadis yg sahih. Ia dibahagikan kepada tiga topik perbincangan, pertama: Huraian berkaitan pengenalan kepada surah merangkumi sebab dan tempat ia diturunkan, bilangan ayat dan nama-namanya. Kedua: Huraian khawas surah ini daripada hadis-hadis yg sahih, dan bahagian ketiga: Dikhususkan utk huraian khawas surah ini daripada hadis-hadis maudu’ dan berbentuk khurafat. Pengkaji menggunakaan dua kaedah dalam menyempurnakan kajian ini. Iaitu: Kaedah induktif dan kaedah analisis. Kaedah induktif digunakan untuk mengumpul dan meneliti hadis-hadis sahih, maudu’ serta khurafat berkaitan dengan surah al-Fatihah. Manakala kaedah analisis digunakan untuk menganalisa nas hadis-hadis tersebut serta mengeluarkan hukum daripadanya. Kajian ini diakhiri dengan beberapa kesimpulan penting. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Methodology Of Learning Science Of Hadis(Hadis Research Institute (INHAD), KUIS, 2013)Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Metode Pengajian Hadis Klasik Dan Kerangka Sistem Pendidikan Moden: Tinjauan Di Maahad- Maahad Tahfiz Selangor(Hadis Research Institute, KUIS, 2019) ;Abu Zaki Ismail ;Mohamad Fuad Ishak ;Mohd Khafidz Soroni ;Mohd Farid Ravi Abdullah ;Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri ;Mohd Norzi NasirNurfida’iy SalahuddinHadith studies have stood by its own as a system before the existence of modern learning system. Various methods and approaches of study have been developed by the early generations including eight methods of taḥammul al-ḥadīth. For the purpose of adapting the hadith’s study in a modern system, this study reviews the methods of classical hadith studies, Islamic scholarly pedagogical theories and their practice in tahfiz schools in Selangor. Qualitative methods have been used in this research which includes analysis on classical method of education analysis and modern approaches, and interviews with nine chosen tahfiz schools in Selangor. The study also found that the hadith studies can be conducted in formal and non formal institutions in order to make the hadith studies more useful and comprehensive in the future. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Muslim's Duty Toward Al Sunnah Al Nabawiyyah(Hadis Research Institute (INHAD), KUIS, 2011)Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Shaikh Khalil Urrahman Saharanpuri And His Method In Bazlulmajhood Bi Halli Sunan Abi Dawood(Daroul Ulum, 2017)Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Shaikh Muhammad Mustafa Azmi And His Scientific Contributions In The Field Of Hadis: An Inductive Study(Hadis Research Institute (INHAD), KUIS, 2014)Syed Abdul Majid Ghouriإنَّ الهند رغم بُعْدها من مهبط الوحي ومعاقل الإسلام ومراكز العلم بُعْداً جغرافياً، قد أنجبت عدداً كبيراً من العلماء الأفذاذ على مرّ العصور وتعاقُب الأزمان، الذين ساهموا بالتصنيف والتأليف في كل مجال من مجالات العلوم الدينية والمعارف الإسلامية، فلا يكاد يوجد مجال من مجالاتها إلا ولهم فيه مساهمة علمية فعالة ، لا سيما مجال الحديث النبوي، الذي لا يخفى على كل مشتغل به ما لعلماء هذه البلاد من جهود علمية مشكورة فيه في القرون الخمسة المتأخّرة الأخيرة، وما لهم من المنْزلة السامية في ذلك، وقد شهد لهم بالتوجُّه إليها، وبالتفوُّق فيها بل التفرُّد بها، غيرُ واحد من كبار علماء العرب، ممن عرفوهم ووقفوههم على خدماتهم الجليلة، ونوَّهوا بها تنويهات كبيرة، وأثنوا عليها عاطر الثناء. ومن العلماء الأجلاء الذين تفتخر بهم هذه البلاد: الشيخ محمد مصطفى الأعظمي، الذي يُعَدّ من أكابر علماء الحديث النبوي في هذا العصر، وله ريادةٌ في خدمة هذا المجال المبارك، إذ هو أوّلُ مَن كشف عن مخطوط "صحيح ابن خزيمة" ونشره بتحقيقه وتعليقاته. كذلك هو من العلماء الأوائل البارزين الذين قاموا بتأليف الكتب القيمة في الدفاع عن السنة النبوية ونفيِ الزَّغْل والدَّغْل عنها، ورَدّوا من خلالها ردّاً مفحماً على أباطيل المستشرقين للسنة النبوية. وكذلك فهو أول مَن طوَّع الحاسوبَ الآلِي لخدمة الحديث النبوي، وتفرَّغ لأجل ذلك حتى أثمر جهده، وآتى أُكُلَه. ولكنه مع ذلك - للأسف - لم يحظ بعناية الباحثين المتخصصين في مجال الحديث النبوي للتعريف بسيرته الذاتية، وإبرازِ مساهماته العلمية في هذا المجال، مع أنه قد أثرى المكتبةَ الحديثية المعاصرة بالأعمال العلمية المميَّزة من التأليف والتحقيق والإبداع، الأمرُ الذي حداني إلى إعداد هذا البحث المتواضع، الذي يشمل على ثلاثة مباحث، أولها يتناول سيرةَ هذا العالِم الجليل من أهمّ جوانبها، والثاني يعرِّف بجهوده العظيمة في دحض أباطيل المستشرقين للحديث النبوي. أما الثالث الأخير فهو يقوم بدراسة استقرائية لأعماله العلمية من التأليف والتحقيق، وكذلك بإبراز جهوده الريادية في تسخير الحاسوب لخدمة الحديث النبوي. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Shaykh Abu Al-Ṭayyib Shams Al-Ḥaqq Al- ‘Aẓimabadi & His Scholarly Contribution In Serving The Ḥadith Legacy(Hamdard Foundation Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan., 2021)Syed Abdul Majid GhouriShaykh Abu al-Ṭayyib Shams al-Haqq al-‘Aẓīmabadi is one of the greatest scholars of 19th century, and one of the brilliant authors in his field being an author of several books, such as ‘Awn al-Ma‘bud Sharh Sunan Abi Dawud. Besides his interest in teaching hadith and writing books, he was known for his contribution in reviving the legacy of hadith. This paper studies the traits of this great scholar from his personal and scholarly aspects, and then it introduces his distinguished contribution in serving the legacy of hadith. The research has applied the inductive method as well as a descriptive one. According to the inductive method, the research gathered important information related to the life of ‘Aẓimabadi and his scholarly work in the field of hadith. As per the descriptive method, the research highlighted the important aspects of his personal and scholarly identity and his pioneering contribution in this field. The researcher has arrived through this research to some important conclusions such as that ‘Aẓimabadi has performed a significant role in spreading the legacy of hadith and made crucial contributions in reviving and spreading it. Further, he made commendable efforts in defending Sunnah in India and made scholarly contributions in serving the cause of hadith by writing some valuable books and references which are relied upon by researchers all around the Islamic world. The most important feature of his writings is that they call for implementing the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Sheikh Abul Hassan Ali Hassani Nadwi and His Contributions to The Sciences of Prophetic Hadith: A Concise Expository Study(FPPI, KUIS, 2019)Syed Abdul Majid GhouriSheikh Abul Hassan Ali Hasani Nadwi (d. 1999) was a world renowned Islamic scholar, outstanding preacher, a stalwart in Islamic thought, and known for his vivid writing. He combined between knowledge and character-speaking, besides having enlightened guiding thought and balanced preaching to the godly path. Muslims around the world benefited from his writings and works on preaching, Islamic thoughts and literature. He has contributed to the science of the Prophet’s Hadith through teaching and scientific writing of books on Hadith, its sciences and narrators. He was known for the strength of his isnad (the line of narrators of Hadith from the source), and many a Muslim scholar looked upon the ijaza (certification to transmit a particular source of Hadith) from him. However, this critical aspect of his outstanding scientific personality did not receive its due share of research. This oversight constitutes the driving motivation for this paper by following the scientific methodology of the study using a descriptive and inductive method. The paper comprises of four topics. First is a brief biography of Sheikh Nadawi and his scholarly attainments. Second is his dedication to the study and teaching of the Prophet’s Hadith. Third relates to his ijazā in Hadith. And, finally, the fourth part is an exposition on his written contribution in Hadith and its sciences. The paper concludes with a summary of some of the important findings: Sheikh Nadwi was a famous scholar among Muslims in this century, he received ijaza from great scholars of Hadith in his times, great scholars sought ijaza from him, and he served the cause of the science of Hadith through teaching, authorship and penning forwards for Hadith resources. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Shubhat Al Musara Fi As Sunnah Al Nabaviyyah: Arazun Wa Rududun(Darul Uloom Deoband (India), 2020)Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication The Characteristics of "Surah Al-Fatiha" in Light of the Authentic and Fabricated Ahadith: An Analytical Study(Department of Qur'ānic Studies, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan, 2024)Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri"Surah Al-Fatiha" holds a prominent place within the Holy Qur’an and one of its most distinctive attributes is that it serves as the Quran's opening chapter and integral to the validity of prayers. Its virtues have been mentioned in numerous Prophetic traditions and it has unique characteristics that indicate its influence in bringing benefits, warding off harm, alleviating calamities, and healing the sick. This research conducts a comprehensive analysis of the A hadith pertaining to this Surah, elucidating its attributes based on authentic A hadith. Additionally, it discerns and highlights instances where fabricated A hadith and superstitious beliefs have been inaccurately associated with the attributes of this Surah. The research consists of two sections. The initial section offers an introductory exploration of the Surah, encompassing its definition, the circumstances and location of its revelation, as well as the number of its verses and its names. The subsequent section focuses on explaining what has been mentioned in authentic A hadith regarding the characteristics of this Surah and alerts to what has been mentioned about its characteristics in fabricated A hadith and superstitious beliefs associated with its attributes. In this study, the researcher has adopted two approaches: the inductive approach and the analytical approach. The inductive approach was utilized to compile and track the authentic A hadith pertaining to the excellence and characteristics of this Surah and what has been mentioned about it in terms of fabricated A hadith and superstitions. On the other hand, the analytical approach was used to analyze the texts of these A hadith and extract their underlying meanings. The study has been concluded with significant outcomes. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Types And Branches Of Tadlīs (Misrepresentation) In Ḥadīth: An Applied Study(The University of Haripur (Pakistan), 2021)Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri‘Ulūm al-Ḥadīth (i.e., sciences of Ḥadīth) are considered one of the noblest Islamic sciences because they give the learner aware about the principles necessary for accepting or rejecting Ḥadīth based on the status of sanad (line of narrators) and matn (narrated text). Through these sciences, Ṣaḥīḥ and Ḍa’īf of Sunnah can be known. One of the important topics of these sciences (through which a judgment can be made whether sanad is muttaṣil (i.e., thoroughly connected) or mursal, and then knowing that Ḥadīth is Ṣaḥīh or Ḍa’īf) is tadlīs which refers, as per the nomenclature of Ḥadīth scholars, on narrator’s hiding a defect in sanad and improve its apparent view. Hence, this type is considered one of the most delicate and important types of Ḥadīth sciences because it contains cover-up, ambiguousness, illusion and disguise. Whoever wrote, in the past or present, about scholars of Ḥadīth had discussed about tadlīs and its types. However, discussion in their books was concise and very short so the readers do not get a comprehensive and clear picture of the same. Further, their discussion did not introduce all types and branches of tadlīs with illustrative examples. This research presents a brief study on tadlīs highlighting its main aspects, introducing its main types and branches with illustrative examples to each of them and giving the judgement for each of them. The researcher applied inductive and analytical research approaches in the study. Inductive approach was aimed to collect information about tadlīs and its types from the classical and modern resources of Ḥadīth sciences. Analytical approach was applied in analyzing views of some scholars in this type, sections, and branches. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication التيسير في العبادات في ضوء السنة النبوية "الزكاةُ " نموذجاً(Penerbit USIM, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2020-11-18)Syed Abdul Majid GhouriIslamic is the religion of easement and forbearance and it is, rather, based on these foundations and not causing hardship and putting curtailment on its people. The Prophet PBUH instructed Muslims in various Ḥadīths to follow the path of easement and not hardship. He also mentioned that he was sent with the tolerant and easy path of uprightness (al-milla al-ḥanafiya). Hence, following and causing easement are one of the important and significant features of the Sharīah in this religion of uprightness, and the religion was not revealed to cause difficulty for the people and place obstructions and chains or to make them subjected to what they cannot bear either in terms of acts or deeds, rather the Sharīah came to achieve happiness for the entire humanity, and it could achieve it by relief, removing hardship and easement, and avoiding exhaustion. In case any rulings of Sharīah moves from easement to hardship, then it will not be, in any way, part of the religion. Easement is accompanied with various worships and obligations of this religion so that Muslims will not be in a state of straining while performing what is required by them. One of these worships is Zakat which is considered one of the five pillars of Islam and it ranks on the third position. This research deals with the signs of easement which are evident in the Prophetic traditions while performing this obligation through what was reported in the Ḥadīth and narratives - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication الجامعون بين العلوم النقلية والعقلية من علمإ الحديث في الهند(Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2021-10-06)Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication الجامعون بين العلوم النقليّة والعقليّة من "علماء الحديث" في شبة القارة الهندية :دراسة استقرائية وصفية(University of Haripur, 2022)Syed Abdul Majid GhouriOne of the characteristics of Islamic civilization is that it fulfilled the requirements of spirit and substance including the requirements of faith and knowledge and balanced them in an equitable manner. This feature gave rise to the fact that many Islamic scholars have emerged in various countries of the Islamic world throughout the ages, enjoying expertise over traditional as well rational sciences equally. They had devoted their potentials to, and became experts in various disciplines such as medicine, engineering, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, and physics. It can be corroborated by the information available in the books of biography. So doing, they proved for the entire world that Islam is the religion of civilization, knowledge, revival, development, and prosperity and not the religion of backwardness and extremism as asserted by many peoples. A great number of Hadith experts have emerged in Indian subcontinent enjoying equal grasp over traditional and rational sciences and they occupied highest places by contributing distinguished services in form of books/articles writing and teaching to a great number of disciples. This article sheds lights on the lives of such scholars highlighting their academic works with reference to their eminent contributions in rational and traditional sciences. The author adopted hybrid methodology; namely the inductive method and the descriptive one. The inductive method is employed for tracing and gathering information concerning the Hadith scholars in the biographical and history books while descriptive method has been adopted for unfolding their distinctive works in the fields of rational as well as traditional sciences. The article ends with concluding remarks. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication الشبهات المثارة في السنة النبوية :عرض وردود(Hadis Research Institute (INHAD), 2018)Syed Abdul Majid GhouriThis research presents the most important suspicions raised regarding the authority of the Sunnah. Among such obscurities are that God ensures the preservation of the Qurطan only and not the Sunnah; that the Qurطan is above reverting to the Sunnah as it addresses all things; that citing the Sunnah as evidence is invalid by virtue of certain hadiths; that the Prophet (PBUH) did not permit the written record of the Sunnah which indicates its invalidity; that it is not permissible to cite a single report (khabr ahad) as evidence for shariطah rulings; and that Abu Hurayrah has fabricated many of the hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH) because it is impossible for him to narrate such a large volume of hadiths given his limited encounter with the Prophet (PBUH). These are the most prominent objections of the Sunnah by deviant sects of Islam and orientalists and their westernised contemporary Muslim students who are hostile to Islam. This research collected the most prominent objections and responds to each based on Islamic evidence. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication الشيخ حبيب الرحمن الأعظمي وعطاءه العلمي المميَّز في مجال الحديث النبوي من خلال تأليفِ الكتب فيه وتحقيقِ تراثه(Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2017)Syed Abdul Majid GhouriSheikh Habiburrahman Aazmi was one of greatest Hadith scholars of the century; he has contributed widely in prophetic Hadith authored a lot of valuable books, and verified many manuscripts relating to Hadith and its chain. He is a character worthily deserving of an introduction as well as the study of his academic implications in the Prophet's Hadith. This study deals with introducing this scholar and his contributions in this field. And this study deals with the above mentioned book and introducing the author as well as parts of his scholarly life in short.
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