Browsing by Author "Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail"
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Publication Al-Qur’An Dan Dokumen Elektronik: Implementasi Dalam Undang Undang Keterangan Islam(Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2020-10-29) ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail; ;Lukman Bin Abdul MutalibNik Salida Suhaila Binti Nik SalehAl-Qur’an merupakan kitab Allah SWT yang terakhir, yang menjadi mukjizat paling agung yang telah diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW untuk dijadikan panduan kepada manusia. Al-Qur’an bukan sahaja sarat dengan ilmu pengetahuan berkaitan akhirat iaitu hubungan makhluk dengan Khaliqnya, bahkan turut menjelaskan hubungan makhluk sesama makhluk dan juga alam. Pada asasnya, al-Qur’an menyentuh perkara-perkara paling utama iaitu berkaitan akidah, akhlak dan syariat sehinggalah kepada isu-isu lain termasuklah berkaitan dengan kehakiman. Dari segi kandungan, tidak semua perkara dijelaskan secara terperinci di dalam al-Qur’an sepertimana hukum pewarisan harta pusaka, perceraian, zihar, li’an dan seumpamanya. Kenyataan ini tidak bermakna al-Qur’an tidak lengkap, bahkan al-Qur’an telah meletakkan garis panduan bersifat umum untuk disesuaikan dengan keadaan tempat dan zaman yang turut disokong oleh sumber-sumber syarie yang lain. Dokumen merupakan kaedah pembuktian yang terpenting di zaman ini sama ada dalam perundangan Islam atau sivil. Keterangan dokumen dibahagikan kepada dua iaitu dokumen dalam bentuk tradisional dan elektronik. Sekalipun keterangan melalui dokumen yang dinyatakan dalam Al-Qur’an secara zahirnya difokuskan dokumen tradisional, namun tidak terdapat mana-mana nas yang menolak dokumen elektronik. Kertas kerja ini ingin melihat hubungan al-Qur’an dengan dokumen elektronik dalam keterangan. Selain itu, kertas kerja ini akan menilai sejauh manakah dokumen elektronik dapat dijadikan kaedah pembuktian sama berkaitan kesaksian, pengakuan, sumpah dan sebagainya. Jika boleh dijadikan kaedah pembuktian, keterangan dokumen elektronik dapat diguna pakai dalam pelbagai kes, termasuklah kes-kes jenayah, muamalat, munakahat dan sebagainya. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Al-Qur’an, Sains Dan Teknologi: Integrasi Antara Ilmu Naqli Dan Aqli Dalam Undang-Undang Keterangan Islam(Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2021-10-06) ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Hasnizam Hashim ;Zulfaqar Bin Mamat; ;Lukman Bin Abdul MutalibNorma JusofAl-Qur’an merupakan kitab yang diturunkan melalui Nabi Muhmmad SAW bagi menjadi peraturan hidup umat manusia sama ada berkaitan urusan dunia dan akhirat. Al-Qur’an sarat dengan peraturan, pengajaran dan ilmu pengetahuan termasuk berkaitan dengan ilmu sains dan teknologi. Pendek kata, integrasi antara ilmu aqli dan naqli dalam al-Qur’an sangat terserlah. Penemuan ini bukan setakat diagungkan oleh para cendekiawan Islam bah ia diakui sendiri oleh para orientalis barat yang akhirnya membawa kepada keislaman mereka. Pada hakikatnya perundangan Islam tidak mengehadkan kepada kaedah-kaedah pembuktian tertentu sahaja. Sebaliknya, Mahkamah akan menerima mana-mana kaedah yang menepati syarat-syaratnya, asalkan ia dapat meyakinkan mahkamah termasuklah menggunakan kaedah sains dan teknologi moden. Dalam undang-undang keterangan Islam, keterangan dengan sains dan teknologi boleh diletakkan di bawah qarinah dan keterangan pakar. Walaupun begitu, pembuktian melalui sains dan teknologi hanya diletakkan secara umum dalam Akta dan enakmen keterangan di negeri-negeri. Namun ia tidaklah bermakna Mahkamah tidak menerima fakta sains seperti DNA dalam pensabitan nasab. Kertas kerja ini ingin menjawab beberapa persoalan antaranya, sejauh manakah fakta sains dan teknologi dapat dijadikan kaedah pembuktian sepertimana yang termaktub dalam al-Qur’an dan Undang-Undang Keterangan Islam. Selain itu, sejauh manakah amalan Mahkamah Syariah dalam menerima fakta-fakta sains dan teknologi dalam pembuktian. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Bentuk-bentuk Pemalsuan Dokumen Menurut Fiqh Dan Perundangan Islam Di Malaysia: Satu Analisa(Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, 2015) ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Zul Hilmi Bin Abdullah ;Nurfadhilah Che Amani ;Lukmanul Hakim Bin Hj Hanafi ;Abd Hamid Abd Murad ;Lukman Bin Abdul MutalibMadihah Binti Mohammad KhirDokumen merupakan kaedah pembuktian yang terpenting pada hari ini. Ciri-ciri dokumen yang bersifat kekal dan jelas sekalipun dalam tempoh yang lama menjadikan ia sebagai pilihan untuk dijadikan bukti dalam banyak urusan. Oleh kerana itulah, terdapat pihak memalsukan dokumen dengan tujuan mendapat keuntungan atau menganiayai orang lain. Kertas kerja ini akan menerangkan konsep dokumen dan pemalsuannya, bentuk-bentuk pemalsuan serta hukuman bagi yang disabitkan kesalahan menurut fiqh dan perundangan. Kajian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan mixed-method, iaitu campuran pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Responden yang terdiri daripada hakim syarie, pegawai Syariah, peguam syarie, pensyarah serta pelajar Syariah dan undang-undang di Negeri Selangor, Negeri Sembilan serta Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya. Berdasarkan kaji selidik yang telah dijalankan, bentuk-bentuk penipuan dan pemalsuan yang paling tinggi berlaku dewasa ini ialah sijil sakit, diikuti tandatangan, memasukkan keterangan palsu dan pengubahan fakta. Selain itu, persepsi responden terhadap bentuk-bentuk penipuan dan pemalsuan adalah pada tahap sederhana iaitu min = 2.45 dan sp 1.07. Terdapat pelbagai bentuk pemalsuan dokumen dewasa ini dan ia berubah mengikut kemudahan semasa. Tidak dinafikan pemalsuan dokumen memberi kesan yang besar khususnya kepada pihak yang dizalimi. Oleh itu mengenali bentuk-bentuk dokumen amat penting bagi memudahkan proses pengecaman antara dokumen atau sebaliknya. Pengamal undang-undang syariah perlu didedahkan dengan secara serius mengenai pemalsuan dokumen dan bentuk-bentuknya supaya mereka dapat membuat keputusan tepat dalam penghakiman. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Compensation For Management Breach In The Implementation Of Its Contractual Obligations For Technical Nature In Administrative Contracts In Oman: An Analytical Study(, 2020) ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Bishri Nasser Mohammed Nasser HamedChe Zuhaida SaariThe administrative contract, like the civil contract, generates contractual obligations on both sides without distinction between the administration and the contractor, which means that the breach of any of its contractual obligations, which varies according to the type of the contract, generates responsibility for the right of the contractor to obtain compensation for the damage suffered by him. Breach. Jurisprudence and judgments indicate that the administration may breach obligations of a technical nature or obligations of a financial nature, resulting in a breach of contractual error on the part of the administration, which may occur as soon as it breaches the execution of its obligations in the administrative contract deliberately or negligently, or by doing so without intent or negligence. Therefore, the study aims to discuss compensation when the administration fails to implement its contractual obligations of a technical nature. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach, and the topic was discussed in four methods. The results showed that the Law of the Administrative Judiciary Court affirms the right of the contractor to claim compensation for damages caused in the field of the administrative contract, and that he also has the right to terminate his contract in the public interest, in addition to his right to require payment for the work performed. The contractor may also not be entitled to compensation for damage if there is a reason for exemption from compensation. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Equality And Citizenship For Women In Malaysia: Where And When?(USIM Press, 2021-06) ;Nik Salida Suhaila Binti Nik Saleh ;Syahirah Binti Abdul ShukorWan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan IsmailMalaysia has agreed that all men and women are accorded equal right to citizenship under the Federal Constitution. Article 14 (1) (b) and Part II of the Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution provide for citizenship by operation of law for every person born outside Malaysia whose father is at the time of the birth a citizen of Malaysia. However, a Malaysian woman can apply for her child to be registered as a citizen under Article 15(2) of the Federal Constitution. In this regard, the Government has enhanced the implementation of Article 15(2) by way of an interim administrative procedure that was implemented on 1 June 2010 and applies to children born overseas after 1 January 2010 to Malaysian women who are married to foreigners. The core analysis in this article is to examine whether Malaysian laws on women and their children’s rights to citizenship is harmonious with the Women’s Convention. We analyse whether Malaysia has taken all appropriate measures, including laws, policies, administrative decisions and programmes, to eliminate women’s disadvantages based on the principal areas of concern and recommendations of the CEDAW in the concluding comments made against Malaysia following the list of issues and questions in relation to the combined third to fifth periodic reports of Malaysia following the Sixty-Ninth Session in Geneva from 19 February to 9 March 2018 and the application of equality informed by the Women’s Convention. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Konsep Pelaksanaan Hibah Bagi Kes-kes Maradh Al-Mawt COVID-19 Dalam Kalangan Orang Islam Di Malaysia(USIM Press, 2021-06) ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Mohd Radzniwan Bin A Rashid ;Muhammad Aunurrochim Bin Mas'ad Saleh ;Syahirah Binti Abdul Shukor ;Lukman Bin Abdul Mutalib; ;Zulfaqar Bin Mamat ;Norma JusofMohamad Aniq Aiman AliasPandemik COVID-19 2019-20 secara global berpunca daripada sindrom pernafasan akut teruk koronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Wabak ini pada mulanya dikesan di pertengahan Disember 2019 di Bandaraya Wuhan, Hubei China dan telah diiktiraf sebagai pandemik oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) pada 11 Mac 2020. Secara umumnya, pandemik COVID-19 boleh membawa maut kepada penghidapnya dan hingga ke saat ini, pakar perubatan belum menemui ubat atau rawatan secara spesifik kepada pesakit COVID-19. Walau bagaimanapun, setakat ini perbincangan mengenai hibah bagi kes maradh al-mawt bagi pesakit COVID-19 belum diperbincangkan kerana ia merupakan isu yang baru melanda dunia hari ini. Kajian ini akan membincangkan konsep pandemik COVID-19 menurut klinikal dan juga menurut pandangan fiqah. Selain itu juga, perbincangan dibuat mengenai konsep maradh al-mawt menurut fiqah dan perundangan semasa. Penjelasan turut dibuat mengenai status penghidap COVID-19 kategori penyakit terminal atau maradh al-mawt menurut fiqah diikuti beberapa kes yang pernah dilaporkan berkenaan maradh al-mawt. Akhir sekali Huraian juga akan menyentuh mengenai kesan hibah yang dibuat bagi pesakit COVID-19 sekira telah mencapai tahap kritikal. Hasilnya, hibah yang dibuat oleh pesakit COVID-19, boleh dikategorikan sebagai hibah maradh al-mawt sekiranya pakar perubatan telah mengklasifikasikan keadaan semasa pesakit tersebut telah sampai ke tahap kritikal. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Orofasial Clock: A Guide Principles in Treatment Planning(Fakulti Pengajian Kotemporari Islam, UNISZA, 2015) ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Nalisha Mohamed Ramli ;Mualimin Bin Mochamad Sahid ;Nik Salida Suhaila Binti Nik Saleh ;Haslinda Ramli ;Nadia Halib ;Nor Azura Binti Ahmad Tarmidzi ;Shofian Bin AhmadNur Akilah Binti Abdul GhaffarAl-Quran and Hadith is the paramount reference for problems solving, regardless of the place, condition and time range. Texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah mostly are of general in nature to facilitate its application in the general principles and substitute issues of laws. These general principles will ease the legal fiqh consideration in the clinical management of Orofacial Cleft. Orofacial Cleft is craniofacial birth defects involving every 700 - 1000 live births. The aim of this study is to evaluate the current fatwas in the treatment of Orofacial Cleft and discuss the principles of fiqh related to Orofacial Cleft that can be used as guidance for the medical and dental practitioners. Information regarding these issues is gathered through the study of fatwas, books of fiqh and medicine as well as reference to scholars of fiqh and Orofacial Cleft. As a conclussion, the principles of fiqh including Al-Darurat Tubihu al-Mahzurat, Al-Darurat Tuqaddaru Biqadariha and Al-Umur Bimaqasidiha are applicable as guideline in the treatment of Orofacial Cleft. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Pembuktian Berasaskan Kesaksian Tunggal dan Sumpah Plantif Berkaitan Pengesahan Status Dokumen Tanah Adat(Penerbit USIM, 2022) ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Lukman Abdul Mutalib; ;Mualimin Mochammad Sahid ;Hasnizam Hashim ;Norma JusofMahmooud Mohamed AliPendakwaan yang sahih adalah pendakwaan yang disokong dengan keterangan yang kukuh dan dapat meyakinkan pihak mahkamah. Tanpa keterangan yang kukuh, pendakwaan tersebut tidak akan dilayan oleh hakim dan dianggap sebagai membazir masa pihak mahkamah. Dalam prinsip keterangan Islam, mahkamah akan memberi ruang secukupnya bagi mana-mana pihak pendakwaan mengemukakan mana-mana kaedah pembuktian asalkan ia diiktiraf syarak termasuklah melalui ‘kesaksian tunggal dan sumpah plantif’. Dalam kitab-kitab fiqh, terdapat perselisihan di kalangan ulama mengenai penerimaan ‘kesaksian tunggal dan sumpah plantif’ dalam pembuktian. Namun secara umumnya ‘kesaksian tunggal dan sumpah plantif’ boleh diterima dalam kes-kes berkaitan dengan mal termasuklah melibatkan pengesahan status dokumen tanah adat. Dalam Akta Keterangan Mahkamah Syariah (Wilayah-Wilayah Persekutuan) 1997, terdapat peruntukan tentang penerimaan ‘kesaksian tunggal dan sumpah plantif berkaitan dengan mal’. Dalam kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan konsep pembuktian, konsep kesaksian, sumpah dan juga kebolehterimaan kesaksian tunggal dan sumpah plantif dalam kes-kes mal. Selain itu juga, kerja ini akan membincangkan secara ringkas mengenai penerimaan kesaksian tunggal dan sumpah plantif berkaitan penentuan status dokumen tanah adat. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Penerokaan Konsep Al-tawriq Dalam Pencairan Aset Wakaf(Usim Press, 2018) ;Fuadah Johari ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Muhammad Aunurrochim Mas’ad ;Hanim Misbah; Nurul Asikin Abdul RazakAl-Tawriq, which liquidity and sells waqf assets, is mooted by Mohd Daud Bakar (Global Syariah Figure) to address unproductive, idle, no commercial value and lack of funds for waqf assets, aimed at financing maintenance or development costs. Despite waqf assets need to be maintained as a fundamental principle of waqf, based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, al-Tawriq is permissible according to ijtihad by Qadi's or syariah advisory panel. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to explore to what extent, Islamic law allows the waqf assets to be liquidated by selling those properties. Using the qualitative method based on the analysis of the textual content of the classic Fiqh reference books, this study will explore the fundamental principles that allow this al-Tawriq method to be implemented. The study found that there are some basic principles that support al-Tawriq to be applied. The study proposes al-Tawriq to be used as one of the solutions to the development of waqf assets in Malaysia, aimed at enhancing the quality of waqf assets by establishing cash liquidity as a new source of funding for maintenance or development expenditure. It is important to ensure that waqf assets become more productive, beneficial for beneficiaries in their hereafter and have a positive impact on the development and economy of Muslims and humanity. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Preliminary Analysis On The Admissibility Of Documentary Evidence Via Forensic Science Method According To Islamic Syariah Law(Abdullah Kuzu, 2021) ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail; ;Lukman Bin Abdul Mutalib ;Nik Salida Suhaila Binti Nik SalehMohamad Aniq Aiman AliasDocumentary Evidence Is One Of The Important Methods Of Proof Used In Both Syariah Courts And Civil Courts. The Rapid Development In The Field Of Science And Technology Indirectly Has Brought Major Changes In The Forms Of Documents. This Can Be Seen When The Court Begins To Accept The Forensic Science Method In Documentary Evidence Such As A Medical Report, Chemical Report, Deoxyribonucleic Acid (Dna) Test Report And Others. This Is Because This Kind Of Method Of Proof Can Reinforce The Other Evidence Presented In A Court Proceeding. However, There Is No Specific Discussion Regarding The Admissibility Of Forensic Science Method In Documentary Evidence According To Islamic Syariah Law. The Aim Of This Study Is Therefore To Identify What Is The Islamic Perspectives On Forensic Science Methods And Then To Analyse The Position Of The Forensic Science Method In Documentary Evidence Under The Syariah Court Evidence Law. Finally, This Study Will Explore The Admissibility Of Documentary Evidence Via The Forensic Science Method Under The Malaysian Syariah Court. The Methodology Of This Study Is A Qualitative Approach By Using Document Analysis Of The Provision From The Holy Quran, Hadith, Syariah Court Evidence (Federal Territories) Act 1997 [Act 561], Article Papers, Journals, Reported Cases And Related Document References. At The End Of The Study, The Researchers Discovered Several Provisions From The Syariah Court Evidence (Federal Territories) Act 1997 [Act 561] Concerning The Acceptance Of Forensic Science Method In Documentary Evidence And Its Admissibility In Malaysian Syariah Court. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Preliminary Framework of Forensic Science Fundamentals Based on its Elements in Shariah Manuscripts(Penerbit USIM, 2018); ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Fuadah JohariMuhammad Aunurrochim Mas’adForensic science has become an ‘odd’ to the shariah due to the dual educational system that segregationally treats science different from religion. As to stitch back the loophole, this study aims to identify forensic elements in classical legal scripts that can lead to the formation of integration theory. This study used Grounded Theory Method that relied upon constant comparative approach guided by literature analysis. The theoretical samples were gathered from classical legal opinions in the admissibility of circumstantial evidence in Islam. This study found that there were 117 free nodes that constantly built four key fundamentals for the framework which were forensics jurisprudence, human capital, forensic analysis, and accreditation. This study proved that there is a connection between science and religion through the application of forensics in Islamic legal scripts. This study suggests further exploratory research on each key fundamental found thus completes the theory development process of this framework. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Rebranding Equality: Malaysia’s Progress On Women’s Rights Advocacy(The Department of Theology and Philosophy, International Society of Muslim Philosophers and Theologians (ISOMPT), 2020) ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Nik Salida Suhaila Nik SalehSyahirah Abdul ShukurEven though equality has been described as a simple concept, its meanings and principles have not been properly understood by the public. Similar treatment might not have a value of neutrality because, once the right to equality is related to and enforced by laws, its objectivity and impartiality can be challenged. The Malaysian government is making progress towards a safer and more equal environment for women and girls following the proposed new or amended legislation. These includes the anti-stalking law, the Sexual Harassment Act, and ending child marriage. Furthermore, the establishment of a Select Committee on Rights and Gender Equality in Parliament have been considered as a good step forward for equality. Indeed, implementation of policies such as childcare facilities in government offices as well as encouraging the private sector to follow suit are good moves towards creating more opportunities and encouraging the participation of women in the workforce. This paper explores the conceptual understanding of ‘equality’ globally and from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence. This reflection is in line with Islamic belief that needs to reform the understanding of society based on the suggestion of Al-Quran and Islamic scholars. With this interpretation, this paper will explore Malaysia’s progress in empowering women and gender equality. Finally, this paper will suggest a way forward for Malaysia to empower women that have been marginalized and subordinated. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Systematic Analysis On The Admissibility Of Digital Documents As Evidence In Malaysian Syariah Courts(Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, 2021) ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail; ;Lukman Bin Abdul MutalibMohamad Aniq Aiman AliasDigital document is a relatively new form of evidence, particularly for use in the Malaysian Syariah courts. This scenario contrasts with civil courts, which started using digital documents in court proceedings as early as the 1950s. The use of the digital document as evidence is intended to strengthen other methods of proof further. However, the Syariah courts are still less exposed to a new proofing method because there are no specific provisions according to Islamic law to allow it. Not only that, but Syariah law practitioners are also rarely exposed to cases related to the use of digital documents. Therefore, this qualitative study will analyse the admissibility of the digital document as evidence under Islamic law through a systematic analysis. This study uses the PRISMA methodology with the range of data stored on the web at and, which brings together thousands of scientific writings worldwide. The final screening results found a total of 21 articles that discussed the practice of digital documents as evidence under Islamic law. Furthermore, from the final filter, the researchers found several works of literature that previously discussed the usage of digital documents as evidence in a trial proceeding, which indirectly shows that the Syariah court has begun to accept this type of evidence. It is expected that the results of this study will assist legal practitioners in the Syariah court and become a reference point for researchers, academics and the public in Malaysia. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Systematic Literature Review on Customary Land Management in Negeri Sembilan(Penerbit USIM, 2023) ;Mualimin Mochammad Sahid ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Lukman Bin Abdul Mutalib; ;Mahmoud Mohamed Ali Mahmoud Edris ;Syed Mohammad ChaedarMuhammad Hazim Bin AhmadThis article explores the cultural tradition of Perpatih, a practice observed in Malaysia's Negeri Sembilan and Melaka regions, rooted in Minangkabau heritage from Indonesia. Perpatih's foundation is in familial customs, encompassing social, economic, political, and legal aspects. The study examines the hierarchical customary law system, including Undang, Lembaga, Buapak, Perut, and the general public, with a democratic selection process for the Yamtuan. Perpatih's exogamous marriage system is also discussed. The article highlights the significance of a well-organized land management system for customary land. It delves into the Customary Tenure Enactment Chapter 215, detailing regulations for customary land inheritance and division. Abandoned customary land becomes a central concern, with factors contributing to abandonment explored, such as incomplete property division and location challenges. Through systematic review methodology, the study examines existing research on customary land in Negeri Sembilan. It identifies challenges in customary land management and discusses a proposed comprehensive forensic model utilizing forensic science to address abandoned customary land. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of efficient customary land governance to prevent abandoned land and suggests the development of a forensic model to address this issue. Further research is recommended to enhance customary land management and uphold the rich cultural heritage of Perpatih. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication الأحكام املوضوعية لمنازعات العمل و موقف المشرع والقضاء العماني من التحكيم في منازعات العمل(, 2020) ;Moosa Hamood Mohammed AlrashdiWan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan IsmailThe importance of arbitration as the easiest and fastest way to settle various civil and commercial disputes, and the arbitration agreement is an agreement in which the parties decide to resort to arbitration to settle all or some of the disputes that have arisen or may arise between them on the occasion of a particular legal relationship whether contractual or non-contractual. The arbitration ordinance here is devoted to labor disputes between the employer and the worker, when it concerns the employment of the worker, the conditions of his service or the conditions of his work. The problem is that arbitration as a means of settling labor disputes is not mentioned in the Omani Labor Law because of the recent Omani legal legislation, which dealt with labor disputes inadequately from the personal and practical point of view of the researcher, as well as the role of arbitration and its practical importance in settling labor disputes. The reality of labor disputes in Oman's courts is therefore time consuming. The objectives of the research is to discuss the arbitration types, It is intended to deal with labor disputes, to clarify the extent of arbitration in labor disputes and to diagnose the position of the legislator and the Omani judiciary on arbitration. The researcher adopted a number of methods; the descriptive approach by combining the inductive method and the deductive analysis. The research reached several findings: the permissibility of arbitration in labor disputes for the absence of a legislative text prohibiting arbitration, and the absence of a labor court specialized in labor disputes. Arbitration in labor disputes is characterized by speed and abbreviation in the length of time to fulfill the worker's rights contrary to the judicial reality, which extends the labor case to years. Arbitration in labor disputes shall be governed by the terms and conditions contained in the Omani Arbitration Law in civil and commercial disputes. The researcher recommended that the arbitration agreement be subject to the supervision of the Omani judiciary - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication امتناع الموظف عن تنفيذ الأحكام القضائية: (دراسة المقارنة)(Center for Saladin's historical and cultural studies ,University of Tikrit, 2019) ;Salim Farhood Enad Al-Janabi ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan IsmailNisar Mohammad Bin AhmadNo doubt that executing the judicial decisions is the responsibility of execution staff of government which is the employees, so executing judicial decisions is one of the responsibilities of execution staff which is responsible of executing it, and not executing it puts the employee under the responsibility of criminal offense as it says in subject (329) Iraqi punishment laws number 111 year 1969, this research solves the problem of violating the laws and not executing them by the employees, so instead of executing the decision as a part of their responsibility and job, they themselves or they commands to prevent the execution of the decisions, the researcher aims in this research to show conditions and concepts of this crime, and the reasons of not executing and being irresponsible, as well as showing the reasons of this high percentage of violating this subject by the employees and public workers and not respecting the law decisions, and it sheds light on the flaws in Iraqi laws in comparison with Egyptian laws, in view of the concepts of this crime and the punishment for it, and the actions that considered as violation of the decisions and not executing them. And shows the importance of this research through showing this almost disabled subject of Iraqi law, corruption and violation got to a point that we cant take it anymore, to a point that some employees openly saying that they refuse to execute decisions of the highest Iraqi law department, and informing people about the employees responsibility against the law for refusing to execute the decisions, and conditions and concepts of the punishments upon employees for refusing the decisions will decrees this violations that invades peoples freedom, alarms the Iraqi legislators to increase the punishments for this crime especially after knowing that this current punishment is not enough. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication أثر جائحة فيروس كورونا (كوفيد:19) المستجد على الالتزامات العقدية في القانون الإماراتي(Penerbit USIM, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2020-11-18) ;Yacoup Mustafa Mah'd Saleh ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Muzaffar Syah Bin MallowSyahirah Binti Abdul ShukorThe topic deals with the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on contractual obligations according to UAE legislation, and the importance of the topic is focused on the fact that contractual obligations may be vulnerable to impacts by crises that states may face, including health crises, such as the current Coronavirus pandemic, and the preventive measures that followed that were necessary to confront them, Accordingly, the topic aims to determine the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on contractual obligations, by adapting the Corona pandemic crisis between the theories of emergency conditions and force majeure. The problem arises that the UAE government has taken the initiative to take a package of preventive measures to protect against the spread of the Coronavirus, and it is natural for the imposition of a health emergency to have an impact on the practice of various types of civil and commercial activities. This resulted in the widening of the scope of non-fulfillment of contractual obligations, which calls for thinking. In drawing new perceptions to adapt the legal situation to address contractual imbalances resulting from the inability to fulfill contractual obligations and restore balance to them, which necessitates proposing a new narrative and drawing policies to cross this exceptional phase. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher relied on the descriptive approach to study the Coronavirus pandemic as an emergency condition by stating the frameworks of the theory of emergency conditions and their applicability to the circumstances arising from that pandemic, as well as stating the Corona virus crisis as a force majeure. Then we end this post with a conclusion that includes the outcome of our findings with recommendations, which we believe will contribute to illuminating some places of shadow and ambiguities related to the topic. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication حق المدنيين في المقاومة المسلحة للحتلال(Penerbit USIM, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2019-10-08) ;Abd Al Ghafoor Saleh Mohammed Alhajim ;Yahya Salih Mohammed ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan IsmailSaleh. S.A.Alsamna - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication دعوى مخاصمة القضاة وأعضاء النيابة العامة وفقًا للقانون الإماراتي(USIM Press, 2023-03-17) ;Yacoup Mustafa Mahmoud Saleh ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan Ismail ;Muzaffar Syah Bin MallowSyahirah Binti Abdul ShukorThe procedural system for lawsuits against members of the judiciary in the Federal Decree-Law of the United Arab Emirates No. (42) of 2022 issuing the Civil Procedure Code is one of the important topics, as the Emirati legislator did not want to hold members of the judiciary accountable according to civil liability for any shortcomings that might be committed by them during They carry out their work entrusted to them, just as ordinary employees in the state are held accountable, but rather surround them with special protection and care. The aim of the study is to clarify the concept of a lawsuit against judges and members of the prosecution, its nature and legal basis, clarify its personal and objective scope, and analyze and evaluate its procedures. Therefore, this study uses the descriptive and analytical approach, because it It is compatible with the subject of the study, contributes to achieving and presenting detailed knowledge, and helps to provide major solutions to address the problem of the study, given that this approach deals with the subject in an analytical, comprehensive and integrated manner. Among the results of this study are the following: According to the UAE law, members of the judicial authority are not allowed to claim any compensation for mistakes committed by them during the performance of their duties except through a lawsuit, and that a lawsuit is a lawsuit that is filed against a judge or a member of the Public Prosecution To claim compensation for damages resulting from their implementation of their work, or their implementation of their powers entrusted to them, and cases of litigation cases are available exclusively in the law, such as fraud, fraud, or serious professional error . - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication دور الخبير في قضايا تزوير المستندات الخطية الرسمية في ضوء التشريع الفلسطينَ: دراسة تحليلية(Penerbit USIM, 2022) ;Saleh Samih Al-Samna ;Wan Abdul Fattah Bin Wan IsmailAbidah Binti Abdul Ghafar