The Darkness of The Sea and The Role Of The Wind From The Quranic Perspective

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Al-Quran is one of the scientific miracles which is a proof of the truth Quran also the modern scientific discoveries associated with the sea and the wind. The word wind in Al-Quran used, 'rTh' as singular and 'riyah' as plural, while the word of the sea is 'bahr'. Therefore we should look deeper into the interpretation of verses on the sea and the wind. The focus of this study is to understand the interpretation of verses about wind and oceans, the role of wind to people, and to analyze the connection between the depths of the sea and the darkness of the sea based on Surah An-Naml verse 63. The methodology of this research is qualitative research that include secondary data collection such as books, interpretations, journals, conference paper and thesis that have conformity to discussion of this assignment. This research is a library research, so the data obtained is derived from the study of texts or relevant books. The result will shows that the darkness of the sea actually related with the depth of the sea and the role of the wind is as a driving force of cloud and sailing ships on the ocean as well as an important factor in pollination.



wind, oceans, Quran, Islam
