De-Westernization Of Social Media Dependency For Da'wah Purposes

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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

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The role of de-westernization as a concept is to internalize how global knowledge is generated, suggesting an epistemic shift away from Eurocentric ideas. Social and communication studies have long adopted and embrace the empowerment of such ideas until the De-westernization came to being. On a different spectrum, many Muslim scholars have been deeply involved with the concept of Islamization of knowledge which gained momentum in the 80s. As what Al-Faruqi suggested in the late 1980s, awareness towards Islamization of knowledge requires the Muslims to embrace the legacy of Islamic teaching but at the same time master the modern discipline and find methods of assimilation of both knowledge so that the religion can be shared and disseminated through the modern context. This conceptual paper explores the dependency on the new media especially utilizing the social media platform is what the new dai'e and modern dak'wah have established, knowing really well of its power on the society as a communication platform. These social media such as Facebook and Instagram are used in disseminating and persuading the people towards good deeds. This amongst other things are some of the aspects of de-westernization process that can be seen in this generation in spreading Islamic content and knowledge.


Vol. 12 No. 1 (2017): Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities


De-Westernization, Da'wah, Islamization Of Knowledge


Abdul Majid, A. and Mohamed Noor, A. 2019. DE-WESTERNIZATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA DEPENDENCY FOR DA’WAH PURPOSES: Diwesternisasi Kebergantungan kepada Media Sosial untuk Keperluan Dakwah. ‘Abqari Journal. 12, 1 (Feb. 2019), 35-46. DOI: