Peruntukan Dana Zakat Bagi Kos Rawatan Jantung Kanak-kanak: Amalan Di Institusi Zakat Di Malaysia

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Introduction: Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death for Malaysians in the country and it can affect most infants or children due to congenital heart disease (CHD), viral or bacterial infections. Treatment for pediatric heart patients requires high costs and takes a relatively long period of time. This affects parents and guardians of children in covering treatment funds and readiness to face such a difficult situation. Aims & Objectives: This study aims to identify the practices and problems in providing zakat funds for the cost of treatment of pediatric heart patients based on the eligible groups (asnaf) for zakat. Methodology: This qualitative study adopts document analysis methods. Data & Analysis: Primary and secondary sources involving the turath (classical) books related to infaq (charity), as well as other resources such as books, journals, articles, conference papers/seminars, research papers, thesis, newspaper, website and the like either in Malay, Arabic or English. Results & Findings: The results of the study shows that there are several zakat institutions that play an important role in helping the cost of treatment of heart patients in general ranging from the cost of early detection of treatment to the cost of follow-up treatment. However, the proposed formation of a contribution fund specifically can be implemented to help pediatric heart patients from the asnaf group. The noble efforts and initiatives made by this zakat institution clearly prove that zakat plays a big role in helping Muslims in any situation.


Vol. 33 No. 2 (2021): ULUM ISLAMIYYAH The Malaysian Journal of Islamic Sciences [August 2021]


zakat institutions, religious council., pediatric heart patients, charity, endowment funds


Ab Rahman, A., A.S., M. F., Afaf, S., & Nozlan, N. N. (2021). Peruntukan Dana Zakat Bagi Kos Rawatan Jantung Kanak-Kanak: Amalan di Institusi Zakat di Malaysia: [Provision of Zakat Fund for Children’s Heart Disease Patients: The Practices of Zakat Institutions in Malaysia]. Ulum Islamiyyah, 33(2), 37-47.