School-Scale Microbe Bioreactor Kit: Introducing Fermentation Technology To The Secondary Schools

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


ScMBK is a laboratory-scale bioreactor functioning with the fundamental parameters of industrial-scale bioreactors (airflow, impeller) which easily demonstrate microbial growth to secondary school students. Based on verse 10:61 in the Al-Quran, Allah stated that He controls the microorganisms invisible to the naked eye up to the atomic level proven since the creation of the microscope. Previous research reported the importance of microorganisms and fermentation technology in human product development. The introduction of microorganism and fermentation technology is easily understandable by conducting exhibitions and demonstrations towards secondary school students using the invented ScMBK. ScMBK is an efficient approach to attract high school students to endeavour in the science stream and enhance the interest in the biotechnology research field. Coinciding with Chapter 6 of Form 5 Science Subjects related to food technology and manufacturing, the development of this knowledge was shifted to kit bioreactor innovations that apply microorganism fermentation technology in the production of food products such as cultural beverages, antibiotics, food preservatives and even pharmaceutical products such as vaccines and alcohol. This innovation aims to increase the transfer of knowledge among secondary students in the field of biology and biotechnology by creating a school-scale microbial bioreactor kit (ScMBK).


E-Proceeding: Insan Junior Researcher International Conference (iJURECON) 2020 Date: 17-18 November 2020 Organized by: Kolej Genius Insan Virtual Conference Page : 200-205


Bioreactor-kit, secondary schools, fermentation technology, microorganisms

