Investigation on Potential of Green Area for Establishment of Forest in University Campus

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) had developed and covered in green areas during recent years as it covers around 40% of its total campus area. The green area began to evolves and develops their richness in biodiversity as the the composition, structure and function started to shape as an early secondary forest stands that led the community to find a sustainable lifestyle. In this research, two sampling methods, Direct Observation and Passive Sampling, were used to survey the flora and fauna. High numbers of animals, including some mammals, birds and some fauna, have been collected. These results highlight the potential for green areas to be built on the university campus as forests. This research therefore shows that the development of forests in USIM was achievable as ecological value can be used for nurturing future generations in the practice of sustainable lifestyle.


E-Proceeding: Insan Junior Researcher International Conference (iJURECON) 2020 Date: 17-18 November 2020 Organized by: Kolej Genius Insan Virtual Conference Page:48-61


Sustainability, flora, fauna, campus ecology

