Sosio-Cultural Analysis of Divorce Legislation a Comparative Study Between Indonesia and United Kingdom

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Department of Ahwal Syakhshiyah, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Indonesia

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This study aims to compare the perspective of legal sources of divorce in Indonesia and the United Kingdom by using a number of legal sources and other written literacy as the reading sources and reference (Public Research). This study used a qualitative-descriptive method by comparing divorce laws; analyzed the factors causing similarities and differences in the form of the rules in terms of divorce in Indonesia and the United Kingdom, and identified similarities and differences in how the two countries regulate the divorce issues. The researcher concerned with the biography and history of the two countries in the development of divorce law and found that social background, religion, political ideology, and history are the factors that have greatly affected the laws issued and implemented in country. This research will be a source of comparison and reflection for divorce law in Indonesia and the UK to become more progressive and developing. Alos, this research will be useful for further research on divorce law in Indonesia or the United Kingdom.


al-Mawarid: Jurnal Syari’ah & Hukum Vol. 5 No. 2 (page:135–158)


Divorce Law, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Comparative.


Fakhriyah Tri Astuti, Setiyawan Setiyawan bin Gunardi, & Erni Erni Dewi Riyanti. (2023). Sosio-Cultural Analysis of Divorce Legislation a Comparative Study Between Indonesia and United Kingdom. Al-Mawarid Jurnal Syariah Dan Hukum, 5(2), 135–158.