Applying Mobile Application Development Life Cycle In The Development Of Fasting Tracker Android Application

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Fasting is the 3rd pillar of Islam. Fasting during Ramadhan is compulsory for every Muslim. Therefore, muslim women who are unable to fast during Ramadhan such as woman in menstruation, or in child-birth bleeding, pregnant women and nursing mother will be charged as fidyah based on certain condition. Most of the women have a problem to remember how many days they missed their fasting in Ramadhan and when they have to replace (qada') their fasting. The objective of this research is to develop an Android application for fasting and fidyah. To make this research successful, an Android application will be developed for user to track fasting by using Mobile Application Development Lifecycle (MADLC) method which includes seven phases: identification, design, development, prototyping, testing, deployment and maintenance. The purpose of this research is to help Muslims women to track their fasting and know the amount of fidyah they need to pay based on the day and year they left fasting as well as the information about fasting and fidyah based on Quran and sunnah.


Volume :4 No:2


Fasting, fidyah, Mobile Application Development Lifecycle (MADLC)
