Pendekatan Media Massa Dan Media Baharu Dalam Menangani Isu Kesihatan Mental Dalam Kalangan Remaja

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


There is a lot of mental health cases among teenagers were reported in the mass media recently. With the on-going pressure and stressful school life, family issues and peers relationship resulted in teenagers exposed to mental health problems like depression and extreme worries. Therefore, a creative initiative needed to give awareness to the public concerning this conflict faced by teenagers. This conceptual paper shares some initiatives taken by mass media and new media in creating awareness to teenagers and the public about the importance of recognizing the symptoms and methods to handle mental health issues among teenagers. This paper will also evaluate how the initiative applied is suitable and able to attract public attention in order to lessen the stigma and prejudice towards teenagers with mental health issues. A conclusion obtained from this literature research will be presented for potential future research.


Volume: 4 Issues: 19 [March, 2019] pp.192-202] Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development (JISED) eISSN: 0128-1755 Journal website:


Mental Health,, Mass Media,, New Media,, Teenagers
