Development Of Framework For Wireless Intelligent Landmines Tracking System Based On Fuzzy Logic

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Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

Research Projects

Organizational Units

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The losses of developing countries from landmines accidents are very large. Thus, the need for new techniques to improve the efficiency of Landmines tracking systems is evident. In the recent years, many of research efforts have been directed to develop new and improved landmine detection methods. However, the increased costs of improving these methods led to drive up their prices. Thus they will not be available to the general public. The aim of this paper is to find a cheap and an effective method to help people for protecting and warning them from landmines risk during practiced their daily lives. In this context, this paper presents the design and development of framework for a Wireless Intelligent Landmines Tracking System (IWLTS) using mobile phone based on GPS and fuzzy logic. Proposed framework is really very helpful for the users who living near mine affected areas to track their children and themselves through Smart phones from landmines risk.


Volume:5 Issue :1 (page: 112-118)


Landmines, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy set, MATLAB.
