Publication: Effect of grilling and roasting on formation of Cholesterol Oxidation Products (COPs) in chicken and mutton
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The objective of this paper is to determine the effect of grilling and roasting on cholesterol oxidationproducts (COPs) in mutton and chicken. Four steps of analysis have been conducted: saponification, extraction,derivatisation and quantification by GCMS-QQQ. The temperature and time used for grilling was 230°C(20 minutes) while roasting was 190°C (25 minutes) using microwave. This study showed that there was nosignificant difference between raw mutton and raw chicken in the amount of cholesterol. Raw mutton havehigher amount of cholesterol than raw chicken due to the high content of SFA and cholesterol. In both of thecooking treatments, there was no significant difference in the amount for most of COPs, but for the grillingprocess, in -epoxide were significantly higher. In conclusion, the roasting treatment is better to be applied inmeat compared to grilling in term of COPs. It is suggested in the future works that the drip loss during thecooking being analyzed as the cholesterol and COPs might be lost during heat treatment and more referencestandards of COPs need to be used.
Key word: Grilling Roasting Cholesterol Oxidation Products Chicken Mutton
World Applied Sciences Journal 17 (Towards the Traceability of Halal and Thoyyiban Application): 21-24, 2012
Chicken, Cholesterol Oxidation Products, Grilling, Mutton, Roasting